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PLUM CRAZY Charger 1970 With Some Crazy Burnouts!

PLUM CRAZY Charger 1970 Dodge Charger With Some Crazy Burnouts

There are guys who are really crazy in the most positive way when it comes down to getting the maximum effect from their cars, when they decide to flex its muscle a little bit and drive it hard and do a little donuts and rubber burnouts. The guy that you are going to see in the video bellow that we have found surfing the internet, is treating us with huge pleasure for our souls. It is a real holyday for every donuts and burnouts fan out there, as he is giving us one really stunning performance with his great looking Plum Crazy Charger 1970, with a purple paintjob and extremely powerful blower…

We can not really tell you what is under the hood of that stunning Charger, but it is obvious that there is enough power in that thing to climb the Rocky Mountains and leave its marks there for the future civilizations to explore.

As you are about to see it, in less than ten seconds, the guy in his Plum Crazy Charger is creating so much smoke, one could think that someone should call the fire department for help.

Man…I could watch this kind of thing whole day! Check it out and tell me what you think about it.