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Obeying Traffic Laws: Tips on Making the Road a Safer Place

How the Pandemic Has Affected Traffic 2

As more cars get on the road these days it is more important than ever to try and make the road a safer place. Thankfully, there are things that each and every one of us can do to make the road just a bit safer while we are out there driving on a daily basis. Today we have prepared some tips for obeying traffic laws and helping to make the road a safer place.

Tip #1: Know the Rules of the Road Where You Live

Even though most of us had to take driver`s education in school and pass both a written and practical driving test to get our licenses, that does not mean that we all know every law and rule there is to know when out on the road. Especially since different states and municipalities have different rules in regards to certain actions while driving.

Whether it has been a while since you have taken your driving test, you move to a new place, or you just want to brush up, learning the laws and rules of the road is a great way to help ensure that you stay safe on the road and keep others safe in the process.

Tip #2: Learn to Drive Defensively

When you are out on the road it is easy to think that everyone will drive carefully and follow the rules of the road, but we all know that just isn`t the case. Whether it`s a new driver or just someone having a bad day, other drivers can cause a lot of problems and there`s not always a way to predict what will happen.

One way to protect yourself is to learn to drive defensively. Driving defensively is all about minimizing your risks while out on the road. Give other drivers space, if you see someone driving too fast or erratically, move out of the way. Always be aware of your surroundings and be prepared to act to get out of harms` way if something happens. Never engage an aggressive or angry driver. Keep your speed down and plan your route ahead of time so that you know where you are going as much as possible. You cannot control what other drivers do, but you can control the situations you put yourself in and how you react to them.

Tip #3: Above All, Lead By Example

Every time you get out on the road you should be considering the safety of yourself and others. Following the law is the best way to keep everyone safe. Simple things like remembering to signal when turning or changing lanes can prevent a car accident. Do not fall into the habits that other drivers do, such as the rolling stop, driving too fast or cutting people off in traffic. If you need to be somewhere by a certain time, leave extra early and give yourself room in case traffic is heavy. Laws are put in place for a reason and following them will generally keep you and those around you safe.


There you have it, 3 tips for keeping everyone safe while on the road. When you boil it down, driving and keeping people safe boils down to learning how to drive properly, following the law and knowing how to keep yourself out of unsafe situations.