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Neighbors VS Charles Williams Garage! Gearhead Williams Has Been Accused Of Running An Illegal Car Repair Business!

Neighbors VS Charles Williams Garage Illegal Car Repair 41

For more than six years, there have been a battle between car enthusiast Charles Williams and three property owners. The battle is waged against Williams over his four-car garage. They claim that the Charles Williams garage is used as a car repair business. Williams says that he has been fixing his neighbor`s lawn mowers, tractors, golf carts, construction trailer etc. However, he never received any money for it. He did it as a favor. The story started in June, 2014. Williams received a notification from his daughter that the sheriff`s office was in his garage. He also found out that a civil suit has been filed against him. Williams says that he has never ran a business in his garage and that all of those accusations are completely false.

Charles Williams says that Planning and Zoning determined that he was not doing anything wrong and that he didn`t have to have a license. County Council also recommended the same thing that Planning and Zoning did. This means that Charles and his friends are allowed to continue to do their work. The goal of the Charles Williams garage is to work with his friends that need a window regulator installed in their car, for example. The accusers on the other side, are strongly convinced that he is evading taxes. Nevertheless, Charles Williams has spent around $30,000 defending himself. This number will continue to rise till the process is finished. The emotional toll on Williams has been huge as well.

At last, follow this link to see the top 10 ultimate dream car garages!