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Need Help Getting Compensated After An Injury? Here Are Some Useful Tips

Need Help Getting Compensated After An Injury_ Here Are Some Useful Tips 1

Injured workers in the United States face many challenges, including not being able to work and having a hard time making ends meet. To avoid these situations, try following these five tips for getting compensated if you’re ever involved in a personal injury accident.

1. Make sure you speak with an attorney as soon as possible after your accident 

Keep in mind that you only have a limited amount of time within which to file a lawsuit so it`s important not to waste any time or risk losing the opportunity altogether through inaction or indecision. The attorneys at Craig, Kelley & Faultless LLC will help you through the process of filing your claim against another person or company to make sure all legal requirements are met.

A personal injury attorney can file an injury claim for compensation for bills relating to medical treatment like hospital stays, ambulance transport, surgeries, and other related expenses. Doing anything by yourself can be counterproductive.

2. Get an attorney with extensive experience and a track record of success 

If necessary, consider consulting with more than one attorney to find the most experienced person you can afford. Negotiate the costs of medical care and other expenses with your health insurance provider if you have insurance, which is almost always a good idea to do before getting involved with an attorney.

3. Get an accurate diagnosis from your physician as soon as possible 

This is necessary so that they can accurately assess the extent of your injuries and what treatments are needed -- this will also help them provide more accurate information about how long it will take before you`re ready to return to work again. 

A lot of the time, the injuries are not that bad and are just temporary. The injury can cause you to miss work, have a hard time making ends meet, and have medical expenses. These are just some of the things that may happen if you are ever involved in a personal injury situation. One important thing to do is to get an accurate diagnosis from your physician as soon as possible when filing for compensation because of injury.

You need to make sure that the injury is actually legitimate and not something that will heal on its own. The insurance companies want to be sure they are giving you what you deserve and to do this, they want a solid diagnosis stating why you are not able to work.

4. Keep all medical records 

This includes medical records of any treatment or cares you receive or have received from physicians or other healthcare providers – this includes prescriptions, bills, test results, hospital discharge summaries, consult notes from doctors or therapists, and any continuing care plan. 

Keeping good records is also important for the court to help establish the extent of your injuries. The more you can pinpoint, such as how long it took before you were able to get back on your feet and go back to work, the easier it will be for a judge or jury to see that your injury was legitimate.

5. Keep track of all your expenses 

One of the most important things you need to do when filing a personal injury lawsuit is to keep accurate records of all your expenses. This will help your attorney establish an accurate amount for damages. The cost of an accident can quickly escalate because the victim will have to pay for insurance deductibles, fees for medical treatment, car repairs, missed work, and more. If you don’t take time to track these expenses now it’ll be hard to remember what you spent when the time comes to file your lawsuit.

Also, if you don’t know how much time off from work was necessitated by your accident, it’ll be hard to use that as a justification for the compensation. In some cases, the time away from work could even make an otherwise winnable case unreachable because of legal limits on the amount of money a victim can receive for lost wages.

The five tips we provided in this article are here so that if you are ever involved in an accident, your chances of getting compensated will be much higher. If you need help filing for personal injuries or want to know how long it may take before returning to work after a traumatic event like surgery, give us a call and our team of experts will walk through these steps with you! We look forward to hearing from you soon!