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Mammoet Fort McMurray Truck with Ultimate Truck Power!

Mammoet Fort McMurray

If you ever thought that you have seen it all, than hold that thought until you see the video that we have prepared in today`s post. The great Canadian engineering company, specialized for heavy lifting and transport is showing us just how powerful machines they have in their arsenal and what it actually takes to place them in the right spot. And that would be Mammoet Fort McMurray truck that is able to move a complete EX 5500 oversize machinery. When I saw it for the first time, I could hardly believe my eyes that it is only one truck that is doing all the work. And the best thing about these mighty trucks is not their horsepower or torque power, but their ability of generating the biggest part of their power at a very low speed, and it can be done for many, many miles. Just watch how calm and steady is doing its job.

I`m sure that after watching this video, many of you would like to try one of these Godzillas for yourself.

But do you really think you will be able to handle it? I know that I would think twice if the opportunity ever comes.

But until any of that happens, enjoy the video.

Finally, read more about this GIANT here!

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