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This Jetpack Race Will Blow Your Mind!

Jetpack Race vs car 4

Back in the day, you couldn`t really participate in a jetpack race, no matter what you did.

Nowadays, apparently all you need is basically to buy a jetpack or make one yourself, which isn`t really recommended. That being said, having a jetpack is obviously awesome, no matter how you get it, and when you do you can do crazy stuff just like the guy in this video did. It`s basically the wish of every kid that has ever played Grand Theft Auto, to be able to glide across the air effortlessly without the help of a helicopter or an airplane. When you have a jetpack, you don`t worry about simple things like traffic laws and road rules and regulations – you can just fly wherever you want!

Well, this guy grasped that concept fairly quickly, so he entered his jetpack into a car race. While participating in a jetpack race with a car might sound fun, any car fit to race will most likely win out over the jetpack, because they can only go so fast and cars are really in their domain here. However, this video poses another question because as far as I can see, the jetpack and the car are pretty evenly matched.

It might have been because the guy in the car wasn`t trying or the jetpack simply couldn`t fly faster, but it seems to me that the car would still have an advantage, especially if the jetpack is at the end of its power, which it reaches relatively quickly.

Finally, read here how to make a kids` jetpack!