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How Safe Are Self-Driving Cars?

Waymo is the First Fully SELF-DRIVING CAR on the US Roads 2

Technology has come a long way over the past few decades, with the last couple of years being explosive. Self-driving cars used to be science fiction, something that many of you would have never dreamed would be around during your lifetime. But they are here. A vehicle that can drive without human interference is a beautiful thing that leaves our time for something other than driving. But the question comes up time and time again; how safe are self-driving cars?

As a general rule, self-driving cars are safe in most circumstances. The thing is, though, that there are 5 different levels of autonomous vehicles that you can purchase. Level 5 is the car that has the best safety ratings, while level 1 has some issues that need to be worked out. Let’s take a look at these 5 types of cars so you know what each of them is capable of, and you can decide how safe you feel.

Safety with self-driving cars can be hit and miss, depending upon which level the vehicle is built at. But the argument goes on, stating that even level one vehicles are more reliable than humans when the AI system is running the show. Unfortunately, the level five cars will not be around until 2025, but you can always hope for car manufacturing to come out with one sooner.

Now that you know about the different levels of self-driving cars, you can dig into the main question from above. Vehicles that can drive themselves are safe today, as long as you pay attention to the road. You will not be able to take a nap while the car takes over, and you will not be able to hit a button and sit back while the car takes over. Not yet, anyway. Let’s see how these vehicles improve the safety of the drivers and the drivers of all the other cars on the road.

Depending on what side of the argument you listen to, you will find that self-driving cars are safe. Most of them still rely upon you to drive when in tight areas, like in the midst of a traffic jam in the middle of downtown. But as we all move into the future, cars will continue to become less dependent upon human drivers. They will be safer than any human driver could ever be.