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An Extremely Easy Life Hack on How to Twist off Bolts!

Easy Life Hack on How to Twist off Bolts 2

Have you ever been in a situation where you had to twist off bolts, but not have the proper or exact wrench?

Now, how frustrating can that be! This well-known Youtuber, Wasaby Sajado, gives very clever and interesting life hacks which can help you out with everyday problems. In this particular tutorial is shown how to unscrew a bolt without the proper wrench. All it takes is couple of nuts and bolts.

Yes, that is right, to unscrew a bolt you need another bolt. The technique is very simple and anyone can do it.

You take a nut and screw it onto the bolt almost all the way up, i.e. to the size needed in order to fit the bolt that you want to unscrew. Then for better leverage, you connect two bolts with another nut, and that is it.

You have just created your own wrench that can screw and unscrew bolts of different sizes. That is all it takes to twist off bolts. The only problem we might face while using this life hack, is when the bolt we want to unscrew is not easily accessed.

But who cares, this life hack will surely help you out sometime.

Finally, here are 100 more hacks that make life easier!