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Essential Street Parking Safety Tips

Essential Street Parking Safety Tips 2

A car is a significant investment, and you want to protect it as much as possible no matter where you are parked. At home, your garage protects against the elements and criminals; however, when commuting or traveling, you may have no other option than to park your car on the street. Unfortunately, weather events like hail storms may damage the exterior, and thieves can target unoccupied vehicles if the proper precautions aren`t taken. With just a few basic safety measures, such as using a car cover or a steering wheel lock or some other parking safety tips, you can help safeguard your belongings and preserve your peace of mind.

Lock Your Car and Roll the Windows Up

Even if you are parking in a safe neighborhood or on the street in front of your home, to protect your car against theft it is crucial that you make a habit of locking your car doors and windows. The first thing a thief will do is jiggle the door handles to see if it is unlocked. Most times, a locked car immediately deters a thief because they are trying to be as fast as possible. Taking a few seconds to double-check after you park could save your vehicle or the valuables inside. In addition to locking your car doors, roll up the windows. Even leaving your windows slightly cracked can allow a thief to use simple tools to unlock the doors and give them access to your vehicle.

Park in a High-Traffic and Well-Lit Area

Someone looking to rob a car will look for a vehicle in a dark, empty area. Parking your car under a street light or in front of a busy location that gets a lot of foot traffic will cause any thieves to think twice before targeting your vehicle. Seek out a brightly lit gas station, a busy restaurant, or a 24-hour convenience store to ensure your car remains safe. Additionally, you can parallel park between two cars, as this will deter thieves looking to break in, put your car in neutral, and quietly roll it away.

Use a Steering Wheel Lock

While modern car alarms are ideal for alerting passersby to possible theft, they can be disabled or overridden, allowing the thief to make off with your car. A steering wheel lock physically prevents a criminal from driving your vehicle and may even deter them from targeting your car in the first place, due to the time required to remove the lock.

Keep Valuables Out of Sight

Never leave valuables in your car, including electronics, wallets, or even mail that could be used in identity theft scams. Thieves will often scope out a vehicle before targeting it to see if there is anything worthwhile taking. If there is, a locked door or rolled up window won`t stop them. That`s why it is so important to ensure anything important is hidden away. If you aren`t taking your purse with you, put it in the trunk. If you don`t want your phone on you, stick it under the seat, in the glove compartment, or inside the center console. Your wallet, credit cards, and cash should also always be either on you or out of sight. When you are mindful about stashing your valuables, you give thieves less incentive to target your vehicle.

Source: Levy Wiener/


Use Your Emergency Brake

Using your emergency brake is effective but will only deter a specific type of thief. Relying on just the emergency brake won`t keep out those looking to loot any valuables, but it can help deter chop shop thieves who are planning to sell your car for parts. Their usual MO is to quietly roll your vehicle to a secluded location to get it started or to remove parts, but, if your emergency brake is on, it may help prevent that from happening.

Use a Car Cover

Car covers can also be a useful deterrent, as most thieves will often bypass vehicles they can`t quickly get access to. Even if your car cover doesn`t have a cable and lock system on it, the average thief isn`t going to usually risk taking the time to take a cover off a car.

A car cover also easily shields the make and model of the car, as well as any valuables or expensive stereo equipment inside. Although car covers aren`t a replacement for locking your vehicle or rolling the windows up, they provide an additional barrier of protection against anyone who`s looking to steal from you.

Thieves aren`t the only troublesome happenings that can damage your car. Weather, debris, animal droppings, and other vehicles can all destroy your car`s paint, diminishing its value and potentially leading to further issues like rust. A custom-fitted car cover is the best option for protecting your car`s exterior when parking on the street. Look for covers with multiple layers of protection, including a soft fleece liner and a water-repellent outer layer.

Install a Tracking Device

In the event that your vehicle is stolen, an embedded tracking device can help local authorities locate the car and, potentially, catch the criminals red-handed. Many newer model car alarms have GPS tracking integrated into the device; however, you can also find trackers specifically designed for cars with a compact, discreet footprint that thieves won`t notice, so they won`t be tempted to disable the device. Look for models that offer real-time tracking, a long battery life, and secure mounting hardware.

The Takeaway

While you may be unable to control whether a car thief passes by your vehicle, you can take control by applying some basic safety measures to protect your property. If you park your car in a well-lit, high traffic area and lock the doors before you leave, the chances of having it stolen decrease dramatically. If you choose to take additional measures like using the emergency brake, a steering wheel lock, or a car cover, you can rest assured that you are doing everything you can to safeguard your vehicle and your belongings.