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Elon Musk Will Send His New Tesla Roadster To Mars?!

Elon Musk Will Send His new Tesla Roadster To Mars 1

The massive progressive into every aspect of the car industry has led so far to some amazing and utterly helpful inventions i.e. cars that should represent our future. One such car company that is working on the idea has to be Tesla and even though we have heard much from them lately, Elon Musk managed to amaze us yet once again. Namely, in a text he recently tweeted out, he stated that the new Tesla Roadster is going to be sent to Mars via their brand new mega-rocket. Yes, this is actually true!

The rocket itself is called the Falcon Heavy and it was initially planned, it is the largest and surely the most powerful rocket that is currently in operation. Even though there have been some delays in terms of the date in which the mega-rocket was supposed to be launched, it has been confirmed that the date is going to be sometime in January 2018.

However, everyone at Tesla is super precautious when it comes to launching the rocket itself; hence the process is extremely dangerous which also might lead to a massive explosion. Despite all the concerns, Elon Musk with his tweet confused thousands of people hence none of them knew whether he was joking or not.

It was later on confirmed that the new Tesla Roadster is going to be actually launched in the sky and is going to make its journey to Mars in the Falcon Heavy, whatsoever.

What do you think, is it going to be a success?