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Policeman Lets Kids Use Patrol Vehicle Speakers To Say “Bye Daddy” As Navy Ship Leaves!

Policeman Kids Use Patrol Vehicle Speakers Bye Daddy Navy Ship 1

For every cheerful military family reunion, there is a tearful goodbye as well. Well, today we have a very touching example to share with you. However, we also have a very kind gesture done by a police officer who used the power of the patrol vehicle speakers.. A gesture that meant the world to Joshua`s wife and two children. As his family was watching the gigantic Navy vessel called USS Carl Vinson sliping out to sea, his two children were trying their best yelling their farewells across the massive span of ocean. Fortunately, policeman James Weaver saw their plight and called them to come to him.

When the kids came to the police car, the policeman empowered kids’ sentiments with added volume, by allowing them to use the patrol vehicle speakers. The girl can be heard blasting her lungs out saying “Bye, daddy!” Unfortunately, that was still not loud enough for the departing father to hear as the boat was just too far away. Nevertheless, the moment is no less touching. Joshua`s wife said that she started crying as this was their first deployment. The best of luck to Joshua on his tour and also many thanks to him, along with the other deployed women and men for their service to our great nation.

Finally, read the best advice on how to deal with the situation when a family member is in the Navy.