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This Chain Trick Might Save Your Day!

Chain Trick Farmer 1

Life hacks are becoming more and more popular these days hence they offer the simplest solution to a complex problem, or something that was difficult to do, and such is this video in which an experienced man shares his chain trick. This was an old farmer’s trick and he decided to put it in practice in this problematic situation. Namely, a big rock was stuck inside the dual-tire of a truck, and if you go on and drive without taking the rock off, it might puncture your tire.

Now, taking off the rock sounds like an easy thing to do, but in practice it is so difficult hence it is stuck tight in between the dual-tire. Then all you need to know is this chain trick which will allow you to take out the stone without minimal effort.

All you have to do is to loop the chain around the rock itself and secure it with a carabiner. Then you need to take the other end of the chain and stick it underneath the front tire. This would allow you to move the truck backwards, while at the same time, pulling the chain tight due to the traction and unstuck the rock.

Though it might not work from the first attempt, you easily try once again. Patience is crucial so do not hurry and take your time just to make sure you will not puncture the tire. Now you how this chain trick works and who knows, it just might come in hand one day.

Finally, here are some tire tips and tricks for you!