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HOW TO START A Truck With A Dead Battery!? ULTIMATE Video Tutorial!

Cannot Start Your Truck DO noT PANIC The PANACEA 31 Jacked Up 1

HOW TO START A Truck With Dead Battery!? ULTIMATE Video Tutorial!

Each and everyone of us has certainly been in a situation when the vehicle just doesn`t want to start. No matter what you do! Then, you come to a point when have to ask people kind enough to give you a push. But what do you do if there are not enough people around? Or the vehicle is simply too big to be pushed? Luckily, we think we have got the solution to that issue.

And it comes all the way from India. The question arises, what would you do if your vehicle couldn`t start? This happened to some Indians, and they solved it in the most remarkable, yet simple way! They jacked up the truck, spun the wheel and the rest is history.

Now, let us explain the whole situation more thoroughly. In order to be able to pull yourself out of the unpleasant position you are in, you need only several basic things every vehicle must have in the trunk. A rope and a jack.

And of course at least one person to assist you. So, how can you start the engine with a jack and a rope in just 5 seconds? Well, first your vehicle has to be jacked up and to have the rope tied through the wheel.

The person assisting you will have to spin the wheel couple of times while you are in the driving seat. And that`s it! Your vehicle will be up and running in no time! Simple and clever, don`t you think?

We have seen countless of methods for solving this particular problem! However, none have been as simple as this one! If this ever happens to you, now you know what you have to do to start your car! With that being said, watch the video to learn this incredible trick!

At last, if you have a problem with your car battery, follow this link to learn how to deal with it!