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Cadillac Salesman Show Off In A New Cadillac CTSV 2015 On A Test Drive!

Cadillac Salesman Crash New Cadillac CTSV 2015 1 TN

The Cadillac CTSV is a pioneer. It`s the first model that Cadillac decided to implement performance driving features in. It`s not just powerful on the drag strip and straight lines, but on twisty roads as well. It has excellent handling capabilities. However, as versatile as the CTSV is, it isn`t impregnable to overzealous drivers. However, if you get too relaxed with the power of a car, and push beyond its abilities, it can very quickly lead you in a frightening situation. At the end of the day, every car has its limits, right? That is exactly what happens in this video that involves a Cadillac CTSV 2015.

One salesman shows a new CTSV 2015 for a bunch of potential customers. So, for that purpose he goes for a test drive with the customers inside. While driving, he talks about the car giving his customer`s a rundown. After a bit of driving, he decides to show his customers what the car is really capable of. So, for that purpose, out of nowhere, he steps on the gas hard. This almost resulted in hitting a bus and multiple cars as well. This is really a very powerful and reliable car. However, the Cadillac representative was wrong to do this on a crowded road and a narrow corner at 80mph.

How about the life of a salesman? Read the 10 confessions of a car salesman, here!