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Must See These Buying Car Tips From Wheeler Dealers’ Host Mike Brewer! Knowing Is Better Than Learning!

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Out of any purchase, most complaints probably come from buying used cars, statistics show! According to these statistics, usually the customer complains because of a fault that needs a crucial repair. In this video we have some very cool buying car tips by Mike Brewer.

He demonstrates what to look onin order to avoid the chances of finding some ugly surprises down the line. And by the way, he demonstrates his buying car tips on a lovely Ferrari.

First in line in his buying car tips comes the mobile phone. Yes, you need to pick up your mobile phone and phone the data service. You should phone somebody like the AA. They can give you all the important information you need to know if the car you wish to purchase has been in any accidents. Then again, while you are at it with the AA, you can get information like whether the police have an interest or even more important, if the car has any finance outstanding. And to get this information from the AA is very simple. You only need to give them the car`s registration number, and if you can get the chassis number of the car, that would be splendid as well. Because with the chassis number you can verify that the car you are buying is genuine.

Up next in these very cool buying car tips, Mike Brewer advise us to make sure the car has not been rammed before you got there. One way to make certain it wasn`t rammed before is to put the key in the ignition. This way, you can check if any ugly black fumes or nasty black smoke is coming out of the exhaust pipe.

Other thing in Mark Brewer`s buying car tips is to verify that the paperwork of the car tallies to the place where you are actually buying the car. We know this is funny, but you have no idea how many people are buying cars from the petrol station or a pump carpark.

Mark Brewer says in his buying car tips that if the car you are buying has any outstanding finance, you should make sure to contact the finance company before you check the vehicle. This should be done in order to figure out what the settlement figure should be.

These great car buying tips by Wheeler Dealers will prevent you from being conned by any car dealer out there!

Finally, if you want some extra tips on buying a used car, follow this link!