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DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME: Insane Gearhead Built A PULSE JET ENGINE And Mounted It On A GO-KART!


Go-karts are really cool, however, something even cooler than that is a go-kart with a pulse jet engine strapped on it.

While this may sound like fantasy, one gearhead managed to turn this insane idea into a reality. Now, we can`t really be sure whether we recommend mounting such a thing on a go-kart because this thing looks like it`s going to take flight any given second. That surely wouldn`t end well. Nevertheless, it has a lot of potential to make it more stable. For the time being, this gearhead doesn`t look that concerned and is willing to take the risk.

In the video below, you can see this gearhead taking his go-kart with a pulse jet engine for a spin in his neighborhood for everyone to bask upon. The pulsating engine is making that awesome noise all the time.

We really do admire this guy`s confidence in his mad creation and driving abilities. Nevertheless, we really wish he would`ve at least use a crash helmet while doing this.

There`s really no accounting for everything that can go wrong. Especially when you are running this thing on public roads where other drivers are minding their own business as well.

Take a look at the video below, enjoy and please share it with your friends who likes this kind of crazy stuff. Please share your thoughts  and tell us what do you think about this insane build in the comments section below.

Wonder what motor to use for a Jet engine? Find out here!