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You Don’t Need Money To Enjoy Some Mountain Road Drifting!

BMW Mountain Road Drifting Fun No money 1

Usually, when you think of mountain road drifting, you think of some super beefed-up car with a thousand horsepower, sliding through dangerous mountain passes without any protection rails on the side of the road. However, in this video, that is not the case. Here, the situation is different: the road is wet as if it had just rained, and the car is not a thousand horsepower beast – instead, it`s a regular vehicle that you see every day on the streets. However, this BMW driver knows that his car is powerful enough to get the job done!

Right near the end, this mountain road drifting adventure reaches its climax – the guy driving the BMW gets really close to the rails on the side of the road, so close that he actually might have touched them with the back of his car. However, he doesn`t crash and continues down the road, sliding all the way. Even if the roads are wet, you have to admit this BMW driver obviously has some drifting skill – imagine if he was driving a modified car with some more horsepower, on a normal racetrack, with smoke coming out of the tires! Now that would be a hell of a show!

Finally, here is how you drift with style! Do it like Nick Schnell!