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6 Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

_6 Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents 1

While riding a motorcycle can undoubtedly be a thrilling and fun experience, there`s no denying that they are one of the most dangerous types of transport. Unlike other vehicles, you are exposed to the elements, and without taking proper precautions, you can get seriously injured. Below, we are going to take a look at just six common causes of motorcycle accidents so that you can be wary when out on the road.

Let`s get started.

Unsafe Lane Changes

Motorcycles can easily be hidden in a car`s blind spot. Thus, making lane changes one of the most common causes of accidents. Before you cross over, make sure that there is plenty of space between yourself and other drivers. This will give everyone more breaking time in case they do happen to not see you.

Car Doors Opening

Motorcycle drivers getting hit by opening car doors might seem a little strange, but you would be surprised at how frequently it occurs. Most people don`t think to look out of their side mirror when getting out of their vehicle.

If you have been involved in an accident in Nevada, make sure you do some research to find a Las Vegas motorcycle accident attorney. This way, you have the best chance to get the compensation you deserve.

Drunk/Reckless Driving

Drunk and reckless driving for both those on motorcycles and in cars is deadly and can result in some of the most severe accidents. In addition, it slows down your reaction time, leads to false confidence, and reduces your coordination. This is why it`s crucial to avoid driving/riding over the legal limit. You can learn more about the effects of alcohol here.

Lane Splitting

Lane splitting is the term used when a motorcyclist rides in between two lanes to avoid traffic. It is considered dangerous, as a car could shift unexpectedly at any time, not aware of the rider. In many states, it is deemed to be illegal. However, some allow “filtering” when traffic is stopped completely. Take a look at lane splitting explained for more information.

Inexperienced Motorcyclists

Another leading cause of accidents is when inexperienced riders aren`t aware of how to be safe on the road. Learning how to maneuver a motorcycle is no easy task and takes a lot of practice. If you`re a beginner, it can be wise to consider doing a motorcycle course to improve your skills and knowledge. This will protect not only yourself but other pedestrians and drivers.

Dangerous Road Conditions

Black ice, loose gravel, potholes, and stormy weather: Many things can contribute to dangerous road conditions. When you are on a motorbike, it`s not as easy to avoid these, as a minor inconsistency can make you lose control. This is why it`s important to plan trips out in advance and avoid riding if the conditions aren`t ideal.

And that`s it. These were six common causes of motorcycle accidents. However, they are not the only things you need to watch out for. Some other contributors to keep in mind include; speeding, motorcycle defects, animals, sudden stops, and fatigue.