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$1 Worth Security Hack Every Trucker Should Know!


Check out this amazing video about this $1 worth security hack every truck owner should know. The demonstration is made on a Ford F150 tailgates which are popular target for more and more thieves because they are very expensive.

Believe it or not the thieves could make like $2,500 for a Ford F150 or F250 tailgates on the black market. All they need is around 25 -- 30 seconds to get the tailgates off, so that’s why the thieves are on the lookout for these high dollar truck parts and they will get to action as soon as they see a chance.

However, there is still a hope and you are now helpless if you own one of these trucks. Therefore, you could make some preventative measures to make a harder time for the thieves, so they will need much more time to take the parts off. We are pretty sure that this hack will make the criminals move to the next Ford Truck and not come back to yours.

So, what do you think about this $1 worth security hack? Do you think very truck owner should know it? Please share your thoughts with us and tell us what do you think in the comment section below.